miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

Titanium Industrial Security in IIC Q4 Meeting Burlingame, California

The CEO/ICS Security Architect of Titanium Industrial Security, Borja Lanseros, presented at the event IIC Q4 member meeting held in Burlingame California, 4th-7th December 2017 what have been the advances in reference to cybersecurity that have been applied to the testbed of Smart Factory Machine Learning for predictive Maintenance, leading Xilinx and Plethora IIoT since the last meeting of IIC members that was held in Singapore 11th-15th of September 2017.

After Titanium Industrial Security carried out a threat model assessment of the proposed architecture for the testbed, this time it has led the application of the security measures to mitigate or reduce the risks detected during the previous analysis.
During the presentation it was shown in real time by means of a video camera installed in the laboratory which was the functioning of said testbed.

Titanium Industrial Security has been based on the Defense in Depth paradigm implementing the following measures to eliminate or mitigate risks of which we can highlight:
  • Architecture design based on the IEC 62443 standard, common sense and previous experiences.
  • Implementation of Zones and conduits through the use of a new generation firewall (Fortigate 30D Rugged), Cisco IE4000 switches (allowing TSN applications)
  • Deployment of a network of honeypots or trap teams developed by Titanium Industrial Security with which to detect attacks inside and outside the testbed network.
  • Security application in the endpoint (Antivirus, Device / application protection, ...)
  • Deploy jumphosts to allow safe and controlled access to OT zone equipment
  • Collection, correlation and enrichment of logs of all the security elements implemented in the testbed in a single screen through the integration of the SIEM Alienvault.
  • IAM Management
  • Integration of 2FA (double factor authentication)
  • Hardening of testbed systems using good practice guides (Switches, Firewall, Endpoints, ...)

This project ostensibly improves the cybersecurity of the whole testbed and serves as a demonstrator of what is the state of the art in industrial Cybersecurity and in what way it is applied in an industrial environment in a practical way.
If you are interested in getting more information about the testbed and how it has been secured, we will be happy to present it to you.
There is the option to book both visit our laboratories or make a presentation via Skype professional.
Contact us at comercial [at] titaniumindustrialsecurity [dot] com